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Filtration/Varnish Removal Rig Project2019-09-26

Oil sampling had shown that the cleanliness of the oil wasn’t to the specification required and therefore the system vulnerable to failures. The oil also had a distinctive odour in the test facility and powerpack area.

Oil sampling had shown that the cleanliness of the oil wasn’t to the specification required and therefore the system vulnerable to failures. The oil also had a distinctive odour in the test facility and powerpack area. The hydraulic system is critical to the customer because it is used in a test facility using critical and accurate components. This test facility cannot afford any downtime or failures. However, the hydraulic components used are very sensitive to contamination and failure.
Installation of filtration/varnish removal rig by Norton Fluid Power hydraulic engineer working together with our manufacturing partner who has designed the rig. The standard 6 hole filler breather was removed and replaced with an air conditioner unit consisting of a 3 micron breather and moisture removal gel. Standard breathers are normally 10 micron.
The hydraulic system consists of 3 hydraulic tanks holding approx 5000 litres of hydraulic oil. The oil was transferred from one tank through the 3 bank filtration rig (fitted with 0.1 micron filter inserts) and then circulated back to the 3rd tank. Hydraulic tanks 2 and 3 have also had air conditioner units fitted to replace the standard 6 hole filler breathers.
After 4 weeks running the odour has reduced significantly. Oil sampling and monitoring will be on going as we assess the system over a period of time. We collaborated with our partners, Delta-Xero, to find a solution and suitable product.


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